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  • Sandy Robson 12:27 am on February 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: George W Bush, George W Bush billboard ad miss me yet, Miss Me Yet billboard ad George Bush   

    Picture this. . . a billboard ad picturing former President George W. Bush with the caption “Miss Me Yet” along Interstate 35 in Wyoming Minnesota. After rumors of its existence, people still thought it might be a hoax, but it has been confirmed to be real. The mystery however, about where it came from and who paid for it continues.
    My theory on where it may have come from?  It is believed to be the original sign that was used as a practice target for the shoe flinging Iraqi journalist who had thrown shoes at President George W. Bush in 2008. You’ll notice in the picture that Bush is already beginning to start his famed head duck and bobbing and weaving motion which he used successfully during the shoe attack. The billboard has now been placed along Interstate 35 so that motorists passing by can take their chance at hitting the former president with their shoes as they drive by. There is talk that if it becomes as popular with the public as they expect, that they may ask George W. if he would consider participating in a real-life dunk tank version.

  • Sandy Robson 9:12 pm on February 15, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Sarah Palin crib notes tea party speech, tea party speech palin   

    Better get a bigger cheat-sheet; Sarah Palin Cribbin’ 

    Sarah Palin cribbin'

    Sarah Palin’s other possible body crib notes (crib “tats” ) for her Tea Party speeches:

    1. Don’t use the R word when referring to President Obama
    2. Say God Bless America at least 3 times during the speech
    3. Use the term “generational theft” at least once during speech and pray someone doesn’t ask what it means. If asked about it, just wink at the camera and give that “going rogue” look.
    4. When referring to Democrat Bart Stupak, make sure to say Bart Stupak; not Bart Simpson
    5. When voicing criticism for officials who let the underwear bomber lawyer-up, remember to say lawyer-up; not lather-up
    6. When referring to Republican Senator elect Scott Brown who modeled nude for Cosmo remember to say he’s an average Joe, not Joe the Plumber; Scott Brown is a Joe with more than average plumbing.
    7. Grocery list – hair Bumpits, 1 carton American Spirit cigarettes, camo-me tea, white bread, non-homo milk, and Ginkgo Biloba memory pills
    8. To Do List – pick up this month’s Guns and Ammo magazine, buy dictionary to look up big words to use in my tea party speech

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